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Main Street Books (Indie Bookstore, U.S. Only)
There’s no wrong way to be a woman. There are countless wrong ways to be a man.
James Breakwell should know. He’s tried just about all of them. Journalism. Pig ownership. Felony lawn gnome theft. Whatever masculinity is supposed to be, this can’t be it. But can you really fail at something no one can quite define? Apparently.
Now, in a series of funny, sharply observed, and occasionally poignant essays, everyone’s favorite internet-famous father of four daughters lays down a lifetime of lessons in what it means to be a man. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll wonder what really happened to those creepy lawn gnomes on that deserted country road. (Spoiler alert: They’re right behind you.)
If you ever wanted to know how to fail at altruism, dodge the priesthood, and stumble your way into unexpected wisdom, this book is for you.
How to Be a Man (Whatever that Means) presents a vision of manhood that looks very different from what you’ll see on TV. And that’s a good thing. Probably.
“This book isn’t just for men. Women will also laugh out loud at James’ tales of making sense of crazy family stories and the ups and downs of life — and ultimately be inspired to realized that the right way to be a man (or a woman) is simply to embrace who you really are.”
- Jen Fulwiler, standup comic and bestselling author
“You may notice by my name I’m a chick, not a dude. However, as I read Breakwell’s new book, How To Be A Man, there were too many times I remembered my own escapades growing up. (What is the statute of limitations on stealing political signs?) Like Breakwell, I might have taken a few naps at my school, and possibly written my name on the beam in the ceiling. (statute of limitations, right?) So male or female or neither, this book will make you laugh, giggle, snicker, and maybe snort a time or two.
How to Be a Man is like reliving the crazy things we all did growing up, and surviving to chuckle about them today. Expect to laugh and roll your eyes at Breakwell’s stories.
How to Be A Man will keep the reader entertained from beginning to end. But be warned…the writing is addictive and the book hard to put down.”
- Cynthia D’Alba, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author
“Masculinity is a perfect topic for James Breakwell, who knows a good joke when he writes one. He uses his life experience like a sculptor, chiseling away what man is not, and what’s left looks kind of like Michelangelo’s David in clown pants.”
- Doug French, co-founder of Dad 2.0
“Breakwell deftly punctures the main myths of modern masculinity, leaving behind something more genuine and engaged and a whole lot funnier.”
- Chad Orzel, author of How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog and Breakfast with Einstein
Buy this book for the dude in your life right now! He’ll laugh, sure. He’ll laugh real hard. But he will also realize once and for all that masculinity is a huge sham.
- Clint Edwards, author of I’m Sorry… Love, Your Husband and Father-ish
Media Coverage
The Dad 2.0 Podcast Episode 74: James Breakwell Looks a Little Bit Less Terrible
Dadhouse Podcast Episode 19: Interview with James Breakwell
Fathering Together: How to be a Man: Whatever That Means with James Breakwell
We Run This Podcast Episode 47: James Breakwell on Finding the Humor in Running and Life
Nomadad Podcast Episode 65: How to Be A Man Whatever That Means: James Breakwell
Marketing is the Product Episode 8: James Breakwell on How to Be a Man
Dad Time Out Show Conversations: James Breakwell
Playing Devil’s Advocate Podcast Episode 12: James Breakwell: Xploding Like a Unicorn
“Tall Tales Just Keeping Getting Taller”: Interview with James Breakwell
McGee Travel Tales: Author Interview with James Breakwell
Media Minutes Season 1 Episode 6: James Breakwell: Influencer, Author, and Comedy Writer
Alien: When They Went all In On the Sex Stuff (w/ James Breakwell)
That Trophy Wife Life Season 1 Episode 4: James Breakwell; aka Exploding Unicorn
James “Exploding Unicorn” Breakwell Reveals What It Takes To Be a Man! Anniversary Show Ep 52
The Art of Fatherhood: These Dads are Doing It Right!
Dad Fiction #103 – How to Be a Man… (Sort of) w/ James Breakwell
The Lunch Break Show Hosts James Breakwell
The Dad 2.0 Podcast Episode 74: James Breakwell Looks a Bit Less Terrible